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Photo of Benhur Sánchez Suárez Colombia

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Benhur Surez Pitalito Sanchez (Huila), 1946. Artist and writer. EstudiDibujo artistic at the University of Los Andes and Colombian Drawing School of Art. Editorial Design specializes in Venezuela, Brazil, Spain and France; Management Editorial Javeriana University, Human Resources and Administration, Universidad de los Andes. Dirigiel Huilense Institute of Culture (1972-1974), the Department of Art Publishers Will...

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Benhur Surez Pitalito Sanchez (Huila), 1946. Artist and writer. EstudiDibujo artistic at the University of Los Andes and Colombian Drawing School of Art. Editorial Design specializes in Venezuela, Brazil, Spain and France; Management Editorial Javeriana University, Human Resources and Administration, Universidad de los Andes. Dirigiel Huilense Institute of Culture (1972-1974), the Department of Art Publishers Will (1975-1981), and was Editorial Director of Education Publishers (1981-1984) was connected with the Bank of the Republic (1985 - 2005), Cultural Deputy Manager, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, the last 7 years as Director of the Cultural area of the Bank in the city of Ibagu. He currently lives in Ibagu, writes a weekly column in The New Day coordinates the cultural pages of the Sundays in the same journal. Silver Plate Awards, Hall Department of Painting, COLSEGUROS Award, Neiva, 1969. Gold Medal, Salon Rejected Artists National University of America, Bogota, 1970. Medal JosEustasio Rivera, Promisin Land Foundation, Neiva, 1989. Medal JosEustasio Rivera, Gobernacin of Huila, Neiva, 1994. Solo Exhibitions: The Art Gallery -1964 auto, Bogot. ADE Salons -1967, Bogot. Departmental Library -1968 Olegario Rivera, Neiva. -1976 Sassu Art Gallery, Maracay, Venezuela. Galera -1993 Valencia, Pitalito. Daro -2002 Exhibition Hall Jimenez, University of Tolima Cultural Center, Ibagu. -2002 CONAVI, Centro Comercial Hacienda Santa Brbara, Bogot, DC -2006 Salavarrieta Policarpa Exhibition Hall, Gobernacin of Cundinamarca, 1967-Painters Group BogotDC Colombians, Small Galera, Medell n. 1968-I Festival of New Art, Library Departmental Olegario Rivera, Neiva. 1969-VIII International Drawing Prize MirBarcelona Joan, Spain. -II Festival of New Art Library Departmental Olearia Rivera, Neiva. 1970-Red Dot Group, Instituto Cultural Colombo-Aleman, Bogot. -National Artists Salon Rejected, Universidad de America, Bogota. "Red Dot Group, Salons ADE, Bogot. -IV National Salon of Artists, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota. 1971-Painting Colombian province, Gale International, Bogota. Huila, contemporary painters, Galley The Candle, External University of Colombia, Bogota. -I Graphic Arts Biennial, Museo La Tertulia, Cali. -V National Salon of Artists, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota. -Painting Protest Park Santander, Bogota. Open Salon painters, Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota. "Red Dot Group, Galley Popular, Caja Agraria, Bogota. -X International Drawing Prize MirBarcelona Joan, Spain. "Young Painting, Society of Friends of the Pas economically, Bogot. 1972-VI National Salon of Artists, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota. -I Salon Department of Plastic Arts, Culture Huilense Institute, Neiva. Huila-contemporary artists, Galley Popular Bogota. "XI International Drawing Prize MirBarcelona Joan, Spain. 1973-II Salon of Plastic Arts Department, Institute of Culture Huilense, Neiva. 1974-Colombian Painters, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota. 1975-XIV International Drawing Prize MirBarcelona Joan, Spain. 1976-Regional Salon of Visual Arts, Ibagu. Artistic-V in April, University of Antioquia, Medelln. -XXIV National Salon of Visual Arts, National Museum, Bogota. 1981 -12 Huila Artists, Art Gallery of Santafde Bogot, Planetarium, Bogot 1985-Huila Artists pay tribute to seniors, Senior Center, Bogota. 2000-convergence, (3 painters laboyanos, Mario Ayerbe, Pedro Cabrera and Benhur Sanchez), Casa de la Cultura Alvaro Mutis, Administrative Department of Culture, Ibagu. 2001-Two views (Fabio Morales, Benhur Sanchez), Casa de la Cultura Alvaro Mutis, Administrative Department of Culture, Ibagu. "Two eyes (Fabio Morales, Benhur Sanchez), Library Department, Secretary of Culture, Neiva. 2004-Exhibition of Plastic Arts, Culture Week 2004, School of Public Administration, ESAP, Ibagu. "Three Painters, Manuel Leon, Manuel Figueroa, Benhur Sanchez, Mayor of Ibagu, Culture and Tourism Group, Soledad Library Rengifo, Ibagu. - Museo de Arte del Tolima, MAT, first anniversary, 35 artists Tolima, Huila 12 artists, 3 artists Antioquia, Ibagu. "Painters tolimenses, Mayor, Saldaa, Tolima. 2005-Exhibition of artists Tolima, Tolima Art Museum, Mat, 33 Folclrico Colombian Festival, June-July. -XI Regional Salon of Artists, South Zone, Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila, Secretary of Culture, Neiva, October-November. - XI Regional Salon of Artists, South Zone Cultural Centre Palatine, Pasto, Nario, November-December. 2006 - Artists Huila, Huila Caf, Neiva, - Sanchez Brown, Galera La Terraza, Pitalito, Huila, February-March. - The music and painting, Daro Sala Jimenez, Universidad del Tolima, Ibagu, March. - XI Regional Salon of Artists, Zona Sur, Painters Tolima, Tolima Art Museum, Mat, August-September. - Self-Portraits, Museum of Contemporary Art of Huila, Secretary of Culture, Neiva, Neiva, September-October.

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